Complaints Procedure

This procedure is designed to help members of the Public who have a complaint about the workmanship or service provided by a registered CWISC member. Details of currently registered members can be found on the website at

All members of the Scheme must adhere to the Rules of CWISC, which include specific provisions in relation to handling complaints and in relation to complaints under the CIGA or IAA Guarantee. These provide that complaints must be responded to within 1 month.

How To Complain

In order to make a complaint write to: The Installation Assurance Authority, Vimy Court, Vimy Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1FG.


Telephone: 03333 239045

Complaints should clearly specify the nature of the complaint and include photographs, copies of any existing correspondence etc., your full contact details and name and registration number of the CWISC member involved. All complaints are treated in confidence, although details may be passed to the manufacturer or System Designer for further investigation. All complaints are logged Immediately on receipt, and an acknowledgement sent.

If you require help in making a complaint then you may instruct anyone you choose to act on your behalf.

Complaints Handling

Depending on the nature of the complaint, The IAA will initially direct this to the CWISC member company involved to give them the opportunity to rectify the situation, or, where the member is no longer trading to the supplying System Designer.

The installer or system designer as the case may be will then investigate and report their findings to The IAA within one month, detailing findings from the inspection, digital images if necessary, conclusion and recommendations.

Where remedial works are recommended then these will be arranged by the Installer, System Supplier of The IAA as appropriate and regular updates will be provided.

Where the installer has been unable to resolve a complaint to the customer’s satisfaction a The IAA Technical Inspector may investigate, report findings and offer a conclusion together with any advice to the customer.

In the unlikely event that a complaint cannot be resolved then the matter shall be referred to the Certification Committee for review. Following review of the circumstances the Committee shall confirm their findings which shall be final.


In the event of complaints that involve workmanship or materials then these are covered by the independent CIGA or IAA 25 Year Guarantee that is provided for all CWISC installations. Details on how to submit a claim under the Guarantee are contained within your Guarantee Certificate.


The IAA is committed to ensuring that any complaints are handled in an efficient timely manner. Therefore the Certification Committee is regularly provided with details of performance in resolving complaints and timelines.

CWISC IAA Complaints Procedure v1.2